Tuesday 17 February 2015

Homework Project 1: Understanding Advertising

Each week, over the next half term, you should be working on the tasks outlined below.  The completed homework project will be due in on Friday 27th March 2015 (although I will be checking progress every week).


ALL of the following tasks should be completed and presented on your blog (see week 1).  If you have any problems getting information on your blog, please see your teacher or a Media Technician ASAP.  You can also email me (j.fisher@dcsch.co.uk) if you have any problems uploading your work.


Week 1:  Blogger


Week 2:  Advertising Timeline


Week 3:  Media Theories

  • Create a ‘Media Theories’ PPT (if you do not have access to PPT, you can choose an alternative version), which demonstrates your understanding (in relation to Advertising) of the following theories:
    • Uses and Gratifications Theory
    • Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs theory
  • To upload your PPT to your blog you will need to fist sign up to Slideshare (http://www.slideshare.net/) and upload your PPT to Slideshare.  Following this, you should be able to embed your slideshare presentation onto your blogger page (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-M0iT-LCK5k)


Week 4:  Categorising Audiences

  • What is the ABC1 socio-economic model for categorising audiences?
  • What is the Lifestyle Categories model for categorising audiences?
  • What are the pros and cons of each model?


Week 5:  Key Terms